Regarding Coffee

Mmmm… coffee. I don’t know about you, but I just don’t want to live without it. I like it dark, bold, strong and very, very creamy. It’s the creamy part that has given me the most problems when it comes to being vegan. I’ve explored all of the non dairy coffee creamers and just HATED all of them. Yuck! All of them are too thin, have an aftertaste, have a consistency that is weird and disgusting and taste downright awful. I have to be careful because my ulcer has recently reoccurred, and that means, no dairy, no processed soy, no gluten. In short, no cream in my coffee – the only thing I haven’t been able to give up. So what’s a girl to do? Well, out of desperation and purely by accident, I was stranded without cream one morning. I had spent the night at a friend’s house, and after making my morning cuppa, had found there was nothing to put in my coffee. However, there was a giant tub of coconut oil. I’d read about the bulletproof coffee method and figured I’d give it a try. Voila! It was awesome.

I use a very simplified and vegan version of the bulletproof method, using only coffee and organic, virgin coconut oil. The bulletproof method can be found in its entirety here:

Bulletproof Recipe

I haven’t tried the official recipe, because I find it time-consuming, not vegan and the products pretty expensive. Instead, I use my own method and products. The result is a vegan, super creamy and healthier way to start the day. Try it once, and you’ll never go back to vegan coffee creamers – I swear.

This is the coffee I use:



The Method:

I use a french press to brew my coffee. Once it’s brewed, I pour a mugful into my blender, (although a Magic Bullet works the best for foaming) and add 1 heaping tablespoon of virgin coconut oil, and a tsp of grade B maple syrup. Blend it for a minute or two and pour back into your mug. I like to top it with a little cinnamon. Enjoy!


(My cat, Mingus, does not drink coffee. He does enjoy being included in the ritual, however.)

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